Serving Buffalo, NY


A separation or divorce is particularly complicated when there are children involved. If you and your partner are splitting up and you can’t agree on what to do with the kids, seek help from an experienced custody attorney. Choosing a custody arrangement is an extremely difficult and emotional process. It’s important to keep in mind that the highest priority is the well-being of the children. Your rights also depend on your situation and marital status.

Compassionate legal assistance can help you and your partner navigate this minefield and come to an agreement that satisfies everyone.

There are several different kinds of custody agreements. In the state of New York, joint or sole custody is determined according to the child’s best interests. Neither parent is entitled to a preference. Joint custody is the most common arrangement – in this case, each parent retains the right to make decisions on the child’s welfare and upbringing. If you feel that your child’s other parent is unfit or in some way incapable of being a responsible parent, you may wish to pursue “sole custody.” If you are granted sole custody of your child or children, you will have final say over parenting decisions - though the other parent may still have visitation rights.

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When to Hire a Custody Attorney

  • If your ex is working with a child custody lawyer
  • If your case has become more complicated
  • If you and your ex live in different states or countries
  • If you believe your children are in danger
  • If your ex is attempting to limit your contact with your children
  • If the court requires you to take parenting classes, anger management classes or to enroll in drug or alcohol treatment
  • If either your circumstances or your ex’s have changed significantly, then you’ll want to hire a child custody lawyer to represent you.

Changing Your Child Custody Agreement


 A child's custody must be legally determined by the court until the child turns 18; however, sometimes a custody arrangement no longer becomes viable and must be reevaluated before the child comes of age. In New York, a parent who wants to alter a custody agreement can file a petition asking for a change in custody or visitation. They must then demonstrate to the court that there has been a change in circumstances that would require a trial; this weeds out instances in which one parent is simply trying to harass or "punish" the other parent. A court might grant a hearing when:

  • The parents find that they cannot agree on basic matters regarding how the child is raised, including education, medical treatment, or religion
  • The child's safety or best interests are not being met by the current arrangement

If you believe a custody modification is in order, or if you've been served with a modification petition, an experienced child custody attorney can help. Give Attorney Ieraci a call to learn more about the process.

Call Our Child Custody Attorney Today!

When dealing with child custody cases, the court will consider the well-being of the child above all else. This means that a parent seeking custody should focus on the physical and psychological needs of the child before anything else. Which parent is better able to provide for your child's physical needs, maintain his/her routine to keep things as normal as possible, and will encourage liberal visits with the other parent? 

Attorney Ieraci understands that filing for a divorce becomes a bit more complicated when children are involved. Every case is different, just as every family is different, so you should seek out a child custody attorney with plenty of compassion and experience. Attorney Ieraci has successfully litigated child custody as well as visitation and support cases in the Buffalo, NY area for more than two decades. Our law office will work with you to ensure a positive outcome for you and your children. Call today!

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Child Protective Proceedings


If a child is found to be physically or mentally abused by one or both of his or her parents, the court reserves the right to remove the child from their home during case proceedings. If the parent or parents are found guilty, the court can establish a treatment plan or terminate a parent’s rights.

If you believe your child or another child is being abused by his or her parent or parents, we can provide assistance. Attorney Ieraci has the necessary experience to assist through the entire petition and summons process. To learn about custody law, click here. Give our divorce attorney a call today to learn more!

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